Thursday 11 October 2012

Open Evening

Tonight, was open evening at the school.

The English Department, in our infinite wisdom, decided that we should all dress up as literary characters. I must admit, I was dubious beforehand but, in the end, I had a lot of fun tonight!! I was talked into being the Queen of Hearts:

We also had Moll Flanders, Lady Macbeth, the witches from Macbeth, Hamlet, Dr Frankenstein and a host of others, not least the (quite literal) spelling bee which consisted of my second in department dressed as a bee, nursing a dictionary, and handing out sweets to kids who spelt words correctly. Genius.

We laid on a load of activities in three themed rooms: Shakespeare, Gothic, and Poetry. All in all, it seemed to go really well. We handed out leaflets, answered questions, encouraged the kids to guess who we were dressed as for the quiz, played with Shakespearean insult fridge poetry, and loads else too.

The rest of the school also laid on an equally as brilliant spread and the whole thing seemed very positive, with loads of excellent feedback from parents too. Here's hoping we did good!

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